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My Faith is Greater Than My Fears

As we embark upon the month of February, the month we customarily celebrate the Black History that many continue to try to insidiously omit from American History, we are bombarded with increased divisiveness, worry, and fear. If we are not careful, times like these can exacerbate the pain we are already experiencing to dreadfully unbearable levels that can compromise the stability of our mental health foundation.

That has always been the devil’s game though. If he can keep us focused on the turmoil of our current situations and worried about the potential of every “what if” scenario we could possibly face, he can literally rob us of our peace, our joy, and our ability to live with purpose. But today, this month, this year… I encourage you to take a stand with me and refuse to allow the devil to wreak havoc in our lives or hijack our emotions any longer!

Today, I want to remind you that it is GOD who is REALLY in control. He always has been and always will be‼️💯🙌🏽 With storms raging around you, it is easy to give in to the weaknesses of your flesh allowing worry and stress to run rampant. It’s easy to forget that God has not given you a Spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind and because His Spirit resides in you, you have full authority and power to speak good things into existence, to rebuke the devil from your thoughts and your lives, and even to heal sicknesses. Rest assured in this. God is Faithful! Your ability to thrive “in spite of” everything that is going on around you is completely dependent upon how tethered you are to God and how deeply rooted you are in His Word.

You see Jesus said that He did not come to bring peace, but to separate father from son and mother from daughter (Matthew10:34-36). What that means is the more you strive to do what’s right and to live a life worthy of being called a child of God, the stronger your desire to right the wrongs and to live a holy life, the harder the devil will pursue you to disrupt your peace and your purpose.

Why do you think the devil is working so hard to destroy you?! Out of the 8 billion people in the world, why is it that YOU are on the devil’s radar in the first place? He wants to destroy your life, but more specifically, he wants to destroy your purpose! The devil is not concerned with those he already has. That’s why it seems like the evil ones have the greatest success but understand this… their success doesn't translate to God’s favor. No! Don’t envy their instant gratification either because instant gratification means forfeiting eternal life and that is in no way a fair trade. You can either satisfy your flesh or satisfy your Spirit. You must choose obedience to nurture your Spirit, and as it grows, you will have peace that surpasses all understanding, unexplainable joy, shrewd discernment, and supernatural strength. You will gain access to the power that rightfully belongs to you.

If you are not already doing so,

◦ Be intentional about spending time reading God’s Word.

◦ Read different versions of the scripture to help you better understand it.

◦ Get an interpretation of the Bible from a trusted source such as the Tony Evans Commentary Bible to help you better understand it.

◦ And make a decision to start spending quality time with God every day, just sitting in His presence until you’re able to recognize His still small voice.

These are the essential ingredients for you to nourish, water, and grow your Spirit. The more time spent fostering the growth of your Spirit, the more powerful it becomes and the easier it will be for your flesh to surrenders to it. That is how you increase your ability to discern the Godly from the ungodly. That is how you increase your faith, your courage, and your confidence to stand on the promises of God no matter what storms come your way.

It’s easy to feel defeated when you feel alone and the recurring battles cause a momentary lapse in your memory that you forget who you are. So, let me give you a reminder…

**You are a Queen!

**You are Strong!

**You are Resilient!

**You are a Woman of God who has been called to boldly change the trajectory of this world.

You’ve got this 💯‼️

You were called to impact the lives of the people around you and the only reason the devil is after you is because of the life-changing difference you are destined to make in their lives.

The devil can’t defeat you unless you give up. He has no power over you. 1 Peter 5:8 states, “the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬). “MAY”devour, not CAN!! Do not LET the devil win! Your pain does not negate your purpose nor do your losses! We may not understand why God allows bad things to happen to good people, but what we do know undoubtedly is that His Word says in Romans 8:28, “All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.“ ALL THINGS means the good things and the bad things. Remember, Jesus, the most righteous person to ever walk this earth, was crucified, not because He did something bad, but because we did! And if God loved us so much that He gave His one and only begotten Son to die a horrible death on the cross for us, while we were still sinful, then we have to know that God loves us too much to intentionally cause any bad thing to happen to us. But what the devil meant for bad, if we stay connected to our amazing God, God will turn around and make it work for our good.

If you lost a loved one and you’re wondering, how can He turn that into anything good, allow me to share my journey with you. When the pain of my loss shattered me and I was worse than Humpty Dumpty was after his fall, God put me back together again one piece at a time. When the devil tried to use my pain to weaken me, God gave me His strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other. When the devil tried to steal my purpose and I wanted to quit, God sustained me, renewed my faith, and gave me hope that motivated me to fight for my life. God will be everything you need Him to be when you learn to fully surrender to Him and depend on Him.

What I want you to understand is that God is the only source you need and when you plug into Him, especially during times of crisis, He will restore your strength, renew your faith, and replenish your desire to impact the people you were created to impact.

That’s how you get your revenge. That’s how you win. You fight! You thrive! You live! But not just live, you live life with purpose on purpose!


Dr. Kim

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This reading filled my soul. It was so refreshing!! Thanks so much for the reminder that my faith is greater than my fears.😊


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