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Losing my Poppa: Shattered to pieces…but God!!

Writer's picture: Dr. Kimberly Smith DauteriveDr. Kimberly Smith Dauterive

3 years ago today my baby boy was snatched away from us. No warning. No way to prepare ourselves. No protection from the onslaught of pain and hurt that shattered my very being to tiny little pieces. I thought I would never recover 💔💔💔

Today, I know I’m not the same person I was when I woke up on August 27, 2019 but I also know I’m not the same broken, hopeless person I went to sleep as that night. Life is so unpredictable. And as I’ve been able to love on parents who’ve unfortunately had to experience the heart wrenching loss that I did, I realize how little control we actually have when it comes to life and death.

But what I also realize is that Phillip and I were 2 of the most blessed parents ever to have the honor of Poppa calling us mom and dad and to have experienced Poppa’s presence and his love and his God-given knack for making everyone around him feel special. He was truly a gift from God!!

Correction—Not was…IS!!! I can feel his sweet spirit still lingering among us when I’m able to quiet my spirit enough.

So today though my heart is grieved at what I’ve lost physically, I am hopeful again. My hopefulness is in knowing that Poppa resides in Paradise and will be waiting with arms wide open when I get there. My hopefulness is in not being afraid of death…not even a little bit because I want to be where my baby boy is. My hopefulness is in knowing that my purpose here on Earth has not been fulfilled yet so I must stay on the battlefield for the Lord and finish my own race as extraordinarily amazingly as Poppa did!

Poppa was the greatest example of how we should live our lives.

So I challenge everyone to “LIVE LIFE THE POPPA WAY”—full of joy and happiness and giving both to everyone you encounter.

Baby boy I miss you so much but if anyone deserved to be away from this nasty world we live in, it was you. You deserve to be in Paradise away from the hatred and prejudice and injustices we’re seeing today. Not a day goes by that my heart doesn’t mourn for your hugs and kisses! But I am confident that I will see you in Paradise when God calls me home.

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Tia E
27 août 2022

Thanks for sharing your heart and journey with us


27 août 2022

It was a blessing to know Poppa! He was the epitome of happiness and

joy. Living Poppa‘s way is what I try to exude. Continued blessings


27 août 2022

We must live like fearless, happy, caring and kind! Just like Poppa did!


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